as indicated before, i am working with a media agency, trying to get some more grip on the whole world of the Internetz. Doing so, this blog is kind of a testing vehicle for things i am to talk about and sell to customers in the near future.
Saying so, i have made or am about to make some slight changes to this blog: first of all, i have installed a permanent banner in the left upper corner, advertising for a service called "Trigami". That service is about paid blogging, a means for entreprises to create word of mouth via bloggers. Right now, i am trying out if i could be able to earn some money with what i am doing here.
Let´s put it straight: my blog is not aimed at making money. I will host the same rubbish in the future, writing about my little life the same way in the future and will continue to belief that i am doing that for me (mainly) and the thirty-two of you guys out there. So far, i´ve made 7,12 € by your clicks on the Google Ads, which is, taking into account about more than 27.000 blog views, not really much, which is just fine. I don´t care wether you click or not, i am happy to see you guys returning to here every once in a while to leave feedback. That´s all that matters to me.
Still, it could be some practical experience i can use for my job. So nevermind if i start writing about melons, if a melon producer thinks i could write a review about his melons and wants to pay me for that review. If the melon tastes like dog poob, i´ll let you know, even if that means getting not paid a single penny (come on, what did he think: a Zegna lover now wanting to write about melons...pathetic).
I feel free to criticize whatever i want, and hope you do so as well.
Anyway, enough of that: today saw boat shoes, a ripped pair of "Tom´s Plumber and Painting" jeans, a button-down shirt and the bow tie all of you guys love. Or don´t you?

Elaine, that´s the close-up shot you requested. Anything particularly interesting here?

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