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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sartorial soberness


i´ve been lately tuning down the volume on my outfits...why, you probably ask. Honestly, the main reason is cause i feel like doing so. It´s just a phase i guess and i´ll be fooling around soon again, but for the moment: sartorial soberness is the parole. The only extravagance i´m allowing myself to display (only here) are my Merino Wool red dress socks from Kemal´s company Viccel. You all know about the quality and durability, no need to talk any further.

So, blues all over the place (not mood-related, i assure you):

The comments:
@Martin: dankeschön!
@BigBeard: i´ll do as you command, Master! They´re from Alfred Sargent, bought a long time ago in the UK bay. Btw, i´m traveling to London in June...what´d you think about thrifting with me?
@Anon: oh, really...didn´t notice that, but thanx for the notification, and thx even more for the praise!


  1. Although it's a subdued look, I still think it works very well. According to old English style rules, the only personal touches could be on the tie or the shirt since the suit had to be dark. The red and blue paisley with the similarly hued socks serves that end nicely.

  2. Temperance and sobriety are natural and necessary positions in the wardrobe spectrum. They make the vivid departures all the more stunning. Well played!

  3. Agreed with David above. This is super duper sharp with the two bursts of red to set things off in a nice way.


  4. ...die berühmte Uhr? Sehr schön und gar nicht so groß wie erwartet...mmh na jedenfalls: geschafft, ich war hier! :)
    LG, Jessi
