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Monday, October 4, 2010

Tribute to tha dawg


have been receiving lot of mails from you guys lately, most of them stating that they like what they see in here and that they find inspiration, at least partly, with what i am hosting here.
I am pretty sure i said this before, but i really am proud to at least kind of entertain you. I´d probably be blogging anyway, but guess what: it´s a hell of more fun knowing there´s some one out there that is interested in my crap :)

Anyway, this is what i wore today. Felt like throwing in some colour today. Weather proved right to do so. And yet, i gotta tell you that i couldn´t prosper from the sweetness outdoors: been working my head off today, and only left the building about 10 p.m., after completing a 13 h day...suck my life.

Any thoughts on that?

1 comment:

  1. The kid in the background is staring at you ^^
