spent the afternoon attending the IP screening in Düdo. For anyone who is not firm in media agency business: the IP is the corporation that sells advertising space on the big german TV stations RTL, Vox, Super RTL and N-tv. Twice a year they are presenting their market position (boring as hell) and what they plan to broadcast over the next 6 months (fun part). The crowd lurking around is mostly consisting of tv advertising enterprises´ representatives, their media agencies and some creative folk. Most of them are wearing classic black and white combos, so i quite stood out from the crowed in blue / red / white. Won´t host pictures though, camera had no battery left...
Anyway, i made some purchases on ebay lastly, among them two nice ties and a pair of black suede shoes by french company Bexley. I´ll host pictures as soon as i get my hands on them.

By the way, i finalized works on the blue corduroy jacket: i attached ellbow patches and added new dark blue leather buttons. Pics? Soon to be here...thx Mum :)
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